Your role as a parent in your child's musical development
October 30, 2023Reeds: truths and myths
November 1, 2023By working on these tips regularly, you’ll gradually refine your musical ear, enabling you to appreciate music more fully and become a more complete and expressive musician.
Listen actively
Take the time to listen carefully to different styles of music, instrumental and vocal pieces, as well as various musical genres. Try to discern the different musical elements, such as melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and timbres. Try to mentally isolate the different instruments by actively listening to each one. Focus on the melodic or harmonic line of each instrument.
Sing and play what you hear
Sing or play the melodies or musical lines you hear, even if you're a beginner. This will help you develop your auditory memory and your ability to reproduce sounds.
Practice intonation exercises
Working out musical intervals (thirds, fourths, fifths, etc.) by singing or playing them will help you recognize them more easily.
Play melodies and identify scales
If you're a clarinetist or saxophonist, listen to the melodic sequences and try to reproduce them on your instrument. This will enable you to better understand the underlying harmonic scales, identify the proper tonality of the piece, and recognize chords when they are played.
Use apps and games for the musical ear
There are many apps and games designed to develop the musical ear. They include exercises to identify intervals, chords, and scales.
Play with other musicians
Playing in a group will force you to listen to other musicians and adjust your playing accordingly. This will strengthen your ability to hear and react to the sounds around you.
Transpose pieces into different keys
Try transposing pieces or exercises into different keys. This will help you develop your ability to hear intervals and harmonic relationships in different keys.
Practice listening and musical dictation
Practice musical dictation by writing down what you hear without looking at a score. This will strengthen your ability to identify pitches, rhythms, and chords.
Take music theory or solfeggio lessons
Learning the basics of music theory and solfeggio will give you a better understanding of musical structure and help your ear for music. You'll also be more independent when it comes to reading sheet music, as you won't always have someone to help you.
Be patient and persistent
Developing your musical ear takes time and regular practice. Be patient with yourself and persevere in your efforts.